The Andrade Family
Mother's Side of Stephen Grande's Birth Family

Carl, Frank, Norma, Manny, Marjorie and Milly.
Probably taken at Marj's youngest daughter's wedding in Oct. 1990.

Standing: Carl, Marj, Milly and Frank
Seated: Vikki, Norma, and Shellie
Photo taken in 1992 at Marj's home in Florida.

Milly's and Vikki's Grandchildren
Older Boy and Girl are Milly's Grandchildren
The Younger Ones are Vikki's Grandchildren
Ariel Marie is holding Franki-Joe.
The little girl is Ebony and the older boy is Taylor.
Photo was taken at Milly's daughter's home in summer of 2002.

Marjorie, Carl, Frank and Milly Andrade as children

Paul Hodge, Fred, Tracy, Milly, Ariel and Taylor
at SeaWorld in Florida in November 2000

Frank and Milly (1967)

Karen & Mark On Their Wedding Day
Left: With Karen's adoptive parents: Verl and Dorothy Morrison
Right: With Karen's 3 children: Bill, Kristy & Kerri

Maude & Frank Drisko

Julia Drisko (Frank's 2nd Wife), Karen and Frank Drisko
Caribou, Maine, 1981

Julia Drisko (Frank's 2nd Wife), Milly and Frank Drisko
Caribou, Maine, 1981

Tracy & Norma (Boston, 1981)

Frank Drisko, Norma & Natalie (Cushing)

Vikki's Family (1981)