Irving Cepinko in the Military during World War II

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The first photo (photo section crew) was taken on July 29, 1944. I believe it was taken in Oahu and that they are posing in front of their photo trailer. Irving is standing on the right, second row. My father is in the middle, first row and Floyd Stevens is first row left. Also in the photo are James Steen, Kenneth Caspar, Ray Lingwood, and William Lajoie. But I don’t know who is who and was hoping Irving could tell me.

Click here for higher resolutions photos for printing: Photo #1 / Photo #2

The second and third photos (Chistmas 1943 at Maudlins) was taken at Russ and Gee Gee Maudlins on Christmas 1943. This is just a short time before they shipped out for San Francisco and then Oahu (they left Florida by troop train on Jan 4, 1944) In the photo are Russ and Gee Gee (both with glasses), my grandmother, Francis Gianfagna, my mother Vicki, my cousin Vincent Favata (then about 6 years old), Irving, Floyd Stevens and Babe Mancuso. I was wondering what Babe’s real first name was.

Irving Cepinko and Stimolo Clowning Around

I actually was able to locate Gee Gee Maudlin. She is 90 years old and living in Kokomo, IN. These pictures were taken in Lakeland Florida. Apparently the group of them traveled around between Lakeland, Sarasota and the Avon Bombing Range, in training. I told Gee Gee that I was trying to reach Irving and she encouraged me to keep at it. She said she would love to hear from him. I have her contact information if Irving should be interested. The rest of the photos I really don’t know anything about. I don’t know where or when they were taken or who the other people in them are other than my father and Stevens.