Santa Barbara Daylight Vino Train
Saturday, December 12, 2009
Los Angeles to Santa Barbara, California
Stephen & Barbara / Dave, Joanne & Christina Fruth / Jason Lopez
See: for more info on future wine trips.
Click Here for a report & photos from a prior trip.
Departing Los Angeles
View Out The Window Of The Overland Trail Private Railcar
Dave & Christina Fruth
Arriving in Santa Barara on a rainy day
Jason, Joanne & Barbara in the Santa Barbara Wine Tasting Room
our first wine tasting room of many that day
Departing the Santa Barbara Wine Tasting Room
Next stop at the Wine Tasting Room
shared by the Kunin and Westerly Wineries
Lunch at one of the restaurants on the Santa Barbara Pier
Next: Kalyra and Gessenger Wine Tasting Rooms that are directly across
the street from the Santa Barbara Station as can be seen above
across the rain soaked parking lot and street.
Dinner is served on the Overland Trail Private Railcar
on the way home from Santa Barbara to Los Angeles.
Click on any photo above for a larger image.